Guidance document


Preparation for Adulthood (PfA)
 Guidance Document



1 – Introduction and National Requirements

2 – Role of the PfA lead

3 – The Intent of the PfA curriculum 

4 – The Implementation of the PfA curriculum

5 – Monitoring, Review and Evaluation

6 - The Impact of the PfA Curriculum






Woolston 6th Form College provides education for learners aged 16 - 19 with severe, complex, profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD) including Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD).  Woolston 6th Form promotes high standards of learning and teaching in preparation for Adulthood. 


In accordance with the EQUALs scheme of work, PSHE Association SEND Framework, PfA Outcomes and Local Authority guidelines, Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) will form an integral part of the teaching of all pupils at each level of ability.  Emphasis will be placed on an active, whole- college approach to learning.  PfA will be taught as a discreet subject in a cross-curricular way within lessons across the pathways to enhance good practice and support our student’s journey to independence and pathway to adulthood. 



Woolston 6th Form will promote the protection and development of students by a whole college approach, ensuring that positive health messages are delivered through a broad and balanced curriculum, raising self-esteem and developing independence skills for a healthy lifestyle.


 National Requirements.

The Role of the Preparation for Adulthood Lead


The PfA Subject Leader will: -

  • Produce subject guidance and access to appropriate schemes of work
  • Provide and manage appropriate resources for planning, teaching and learning, appropriate to cohort of students with guidance from teaching staff
  • Monitor the teaching and learning of PD throughout the college
  • Work in collaboration with other subject leaders and Senior Leadership Teams (SLT) to enhance provision
  • Provide strategic lead and direction for PD within the college
  • Manage, review and prioritise within the college development plan, as applicable
  • Create, monitor and evaluate an action plan and budget for new resources each year
  • Keep up to date with developments in PD and communicate these to colleagues, regularly attending appropriate CPD events
  • Report regularly to SLT



Intent of the PfA Curriculum

The intention for PfA teaching and learning at Woolston 6th Form:

At Woolston 6th Form we aim to provide our pupils with the tools to plan for a successful future. Give our students the opportunities to work towards their personal outcomes within the EHCP and gain skills and knowledge in a wide range of linked units of work.


Lessons will develop the individuality of our pupils' characters and personalities and prepare students for the pathway to adulthood in a changing and challenging environment.


We aim to:


·         Achieve their best outcome in higher education or employment

  • Develop crucial independent living skills whilst exploring housing options available to them
  • Participate in the local community and society and build positive relationships
  • Good health



Implementation of the PfA Curriculum

PfA is embedded in much of the curriculum and daily routine of the college but specific areas will also be taught as a discreet subject.

The college uses the Equals Schemes of Work for PfA as the basis for the delivery of the subject by class teachers and support staff, alongside the PSHE Association SEND Framework and PFA Outcomes.


The Role of the Preparation for Adulthood Lead


The PfA Subject Leader will: -

  • Produce subject guidance and access to appropriate schemes of work
  • Provide and manage appropriate resources for planning, teaching and learning, appropriate to cohort of students with guidance from teaching staff
  • Monitor the teaching and learning of PD throughout the college
  • Work in collaboration with other subject leaders and Senior Leadership Teams (SLT) to enhance provision
  • Provide strategic lead and direction for PD within the college
  • Manage, review and prioritise within the college development plan, as applicable
  • Create, monitor and evaluate an action plan and budget for new resources each year
  • Keep up to date with developments in PD and communicate these to colleagues, regularly attending appropriate CPD events
  • Report regularly to SLT



Intent of the PfA Curriculum

The intention for PfA teaching and learning at Woolston 6th Form:

At Woolston 6th Form we aim to provide our pupils with the tools to plan for a successful future. Give our students the opportunities to work towards their personal outcomes within the EHCP and gain skills and knowledge in a wide range of linked units of work.


Lessons will develop the individuality of our pupils' characters and personalities and prepare students for the pathway to adulthood in a changing and challenging environment.


We aim to:

     Achieve their best outcome in higher education or employment

  • Develop crucial independent living skills whilst exploring housing options available to them
  • Participate in the local community and society and build positive relationships
  • Good health

 Implementation of the PfA Curriculum

PfA is embedded in much of the curriculum and daily routine of the college but specific areas will also be taught as a discreet subject.

The college uses the Equals Schemes of Work for PfA as the basis for the delivery of the subject by class teachers and support staff, alongside the PSHE Association SEND Framework and PFA Outcomes.

The curriculum will be under continuous review to be appropriate to the individual needs of pupils, considering local trends and national guidelines. Specific Programmes of Study will be modified to meet the needs and targets of individual pupils.


Delivery of the subject may take place in a variety or combination of the following:

  • through timetabled sessions for PfA
  • PSHE and Preparation for Adulthood topics integrated as part of cross-curricular lessons
  • during pastoral time
  • during assemblies and enrichment weeks
  • in combination with other subjects, including literacy and numeracy sessions; or through visits, the use of visitors and special events in college.


Key concepts are also taught through activities such as:

  • Community visits
  • Work Experience Opportunities
  • Employer Encounters


Monitoring, Review and Evaluation

Monitoring and review may take the form of:

  • Classroom observation and peer teaching
  • Sampling of work; through Evidence for Learning app. and classroom activity work examples
  • Discussions with the pupils and specific Pupil Voice target groups
  • Regular discussions at staff and governors' meetings
  • Audit of guidance and schemes of work
  • Parent/ student surveys
  • Classroom and college building environment audits (I.e, observation of classroom displays, work, displays and activities around college)


Any monitoring will then be reviewed with senior leaders and the evaluations fed back to staff during a Teachers’ Meeting with examples of good practice to ensure progression in teaching and learning.

The students will maintain work files, recording PD work as appropriate.  Assessments will be communicated to the next class teacher in order to ensure continuity and progression.  Assessment in PD will be active and participatory, helping learners to recognise the progress they are making in developing skills and taking part, as well as in their knowledge and understanding. Students will be encouraged to learn how to reflect on their experiences, ask questions, make judgements about their strengths and needs, and begin to plan how to make progress and set personal targets.

 Impact of the PfA Curriculum

By the time they leave Woolston 6th Form all students will:


  • Achieve their best outcome in higher education pathway they have been following
    • Have a broad understanding of the job opportunities available to them and have the knowledge and skills to pursue this.
    • Develop crucial independent living skills that will be transferable into different environments
    • Have an understanding of housing options available to them if not for immediately after college but in later life
    • Be an active member of the local community and enjoy spending time out and about
    • Make links within the local community
    • Maintain good health


    Links to Other Policies

    This policy is linked to and should be read in conjunction with the curriculum guidance/ policies for:


    • PD
    • Fitness and Wellbeing
    • Careers
    • Functional Skills