Parent Overview

Working in partnership with parents is at the core of all our work and we strive to maintain positive relationships that benefits our students. We actively seek engagement with all parents and respect that each family will have different needs at different times. Whilst there are formal channels of communication, we also embrace an open door policy, inviting parents to visit, get involved with activities and to provide feedback.

As a college we see the importance and benefit of supporting with transition into college at age 16 and leaving college at age 19.

We have developed a transition programme that allows us to establish a relationship with parents/carers prior to their son/daughter starting at the college.

A careers event is held annually and parents and young people from Year 9 and upwards are invited in as well as a full range of providers to see what is out there, so that students and parents are in the best position to make the most informed choices.

Parents are encouraged to play an active role in their son/daughter’s education. Information can be communicated to parents via student diaries. Parents are encouraged and supported to attend an informal Parent’s Evening each year as well as their son/daughters annual review meeting. These meetings give parents an opportunity to find out about progress in college and contribute to the identification of key learning priorities for the future.

The college has dedicated transition and family support staff. Claire Lynch, Laura Fensom and Nicola Simpson and are the main points of contact for information for parents and carers. They work closely with families on a wide range of issues.
The college works closely with other agencies, for example, Family Support Workers and Children with Disabilities Social Care team/ Adult Social Care Team/ Transition Social Workers. These close working relationships help families access the support that they need.

Warrington Borough Council does not generally provide transport assistance for students aged 16 and above and therefore any transport that is provided is on a discretionary basis. This discretion allows additional support to be provided to post 16 learners based on the learner’s needs and takes account of family circumstances for example when a parent/carer cannot transport their child safely to their educational setting.